serviceDrugstore OTC Buyer Research

Maker assessment by OTC buyers of approximately 50 major drugstore chains

Service Description

Based on frank opinions of drugstore OTC buyers, we provide hints to OTC makers that may lead to the improvement of business activities, future products and sales promotions.

Surveys have been continuously conducted under the same research design since 2007. The survey enables an understanding of OTC buyers’ evaluation of makers, as well as trends in awareness.

Research Design

Research Objective
  • To audit makers’ business activities through buyers’ evaluation of makers and sales representatives
  • To obtain buyers’ point of value in activities, their assumptions on the future prospects of the pharmaceutical market, what they see as hit products and why, and to provide hints for makers’ business activities
Research Methods
Mail survey (hosting method)
Research Target
Buyers of pharmaceuticals at major drugstores
(Wide-area mass retail stores + regional chains)
Main Contents of Questionnaire
  • Evaluation of makers
  • Evaluation of sales representatives
  • Evaluation of products and promotional activities
  • Future prospects of the OTC market
  • Attributes of respondents, etc.
No. of questionnaires collected
Approximately 50 companies
Report/Evaluation Sheet/Cross Tabulation Data
<Optional> Various sales support programs, short consultation

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